
American Champion 

Master Agility Champion 3

Cairn Terrier Club of America Versatility Dog

Paragon's Harmony of Steele



Owner:  Kari Loken and Ryan Loken
Handler: Ryan Loken and Kari Loken

BISS Am/Can Ch. McCairn's Sir Sam Steele RN, NAJ, CGC, ROME


Ch. Paragon's Paper Trail ROM

Seeker hit the ring with a bang, winning two 4 point majors his very first weekend out.  Seeker followed that up his next weekend in the ring, going Winners Dog and Best of Winners from the 6-9 puppy class at a Specialty.  We held him out for the Montgomery Weekend where he won his class at Hatboro, at the CTCA Sweeps and went 2nd in his class at Montgomery.  The very next Saturday he finished his Championship by defeating a top ranked special.  Seeker finished at 11 months old in VERY limited showing. (6 shows.)

Seeker took a trip to the Cairn Terrier Club of Canada National Specialty in October of 2005.  He had a nice weekend, winning a 5 point win on one of the All-Breed days at Canada's largest show, and garnering two reserve winners wins (one to his full brother, Paragon's Get the Led Out).

Seeker quickly earned his Novice Agility Title in just three trials, and his Novice Agility Jumpers Title in 4.  He garnered his Open Agility Title in 3 straight trials and his Open Agility Jumpers Title in just 4 trials.  Seeker earned his Excellent Agility Title in 9 Trials, and his Excellent Agility Jumpers Title in 7 trials. Seeker made his debut in Excellent B on April 30th, 2006 and earned his first Double Q at the first trial he was eligible to earn one!  He has since earned his MX, and MXJ.  We are very proud of Seeker and his speedy run through training to trials, as he started training in mid-June 2005 and finished his MACH November 3, 2007!  We are also proud that Seeker is the first Conformation and Agility Champion Cairn.

Seeker earned his Rally Novice title in three trials with a placement. 

Seeker is a son of BISS Am/Can Ch. McCairn's Sir Sam Steele "Sam".  Sam is a Best in Specialty winner as well as a multiple group winning and placing Cairn.  He won and placed in the group as a class dog, only losing the breed twice from the classes.  Sam finished #4 Cairn (all-breed cc system) in 2000.  He did so while being shown on a limited basis and while spending the first 4 months of the year as a class dog.  Sam finished #7 Cairn (all-breed-breed cc system) in 2001, and didn't get out much since I was busy with our new son, Ryan.  He finished #6 in 2002 and #4 in 2003.  Sam is starting a new career, as a VETERAN, on Specialty weekends only. 

Seeker with help from Kari earned his Master Agility Championship 2 on 11/28/08.  To earn their MACH; Seeker and Kari needed to run clean, no faults, in Excellent B Standard and Jumpers With Weaves on the same day to earn a Double Q.  A team must earn 20 Double Q's to qualify for a MACH Title.  The dog and handler must also earn 750 speed points by running faster than the allowed course time.  In just over a year this Dynamic Duo earned another 20 Double Q's, and racked up an additional 750 Speed Points. 

Seeker and Ryan have teamed up to work on Seeker's Grand Champion title and in the Junior ring.  They take good care of each other and make an awesome team!

                               Ryan's first time in the Show Ring                                         Ryan's 1st Novice Jr. Win - 2nd time in Juniors



Seeker helping Riley to a Best JR Showmanship Win!


Seeker doing what he loves best!!!!!


This is why I couldn't resist!



                                                        Montgomery Bound, 2004!                          Seeker's finishing photo



Seeker Earning his Rally Novice (RN) Title with a 4th Place



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