
Best In Specialty Show

Multiple Group Placing

American Champion

Paragon's Perfect Harmony


Owner:  Mary Fedders
Handler: Kari Loken of Harmony Cairns

BISS Am/Can Ch. McCairn's Sir Sam Steele

Dam: Ch. Paragon's Pardon Me Boys

This was written when Kara was just 16 months old.  

She is like the Engergizer Bunny, she just keeps going and going and going...


Kara has many accomplishments under her belt before one year of age!  She started out her career by winning the breed over 3 specials at her first show on her 6 month birthday, the specials included her dad who WON the Terrier Group the night before.  That was just the beginning...Kara won BEST PUPPY in SHOW at the Nebraska Kennel Club show from the 6-9 puppy class.  She won her first major on a Specialty weekend by winning the breed over 7 specials which earned her 5 points.  She started out the weekend with a Best in Sweepstakes win.   Kara earned her second major in tough Colorado competition to finish her American Championship.  

Kara first time out as a move up special, she won Best of Breed at just 10 months old.  Kara was entered a s special for the first time at the Trinity Valley Cairn Terrier Club where she was awarded Best Opposite Sex, the next day at the Cairn Terrier Club of America roving national, she was won an Award of Merit (one of six) the entry was 101 Cairns.  Kara earned her first group placing also before one year of age at the Wichita Cluster.

Kara, we are proud to announce, is the second American Champion that our dog BISS Am/Can Ch. McCairn Sir Sam Steele has produced!  Kara was specialed on a limited basis to #5 Cairn. 

Kara is a daughter of BISS Am/Can Ch. McCairn's Sir Sam Steele "Sam".  Sam is a Best in Specialty winner as well as a multiple group winning and placing Cairn.  He won and placed in the group as a class dog, only losing the breed twice from the classes.  Sam finished #4 Cairn (all-breed cc system) in 2000.  He did so while being shown on a limited basis and while spending the first 4 months of the year as a class dog.  Sam finished #7 Cairn (all-breed-breed cc system) in 2001, and didn't get out much since I was busy with our new son, Ryan.  He finished #6 in 2002 and #4 in 2003.  Sam is being shown on a limited basis, mostly specialty/supported entry weekends.  

Kara  is also now a BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW WINNER at just 16 months of age.  She was awarded Best of Breed at the Cairn Terrier Club of Denver on August 13, 2004.

                                      BOB at her 1st show at her 6 mnths        Best in Sweepstakes - 9 months     New CH. w/ 5 point major!  - 10 mnths


                                   Group III  - 13 months                             BOS Specialty Win -(11 months Old)                          Finishing in Canada -2 years Old


Kara's BOB Specialty Win at the DCTC -16 months Old




Kara's Win Record


Best in Specialty


Award of Merits



Best Opposite Sex Specialties


Best in Sweepstakes


Best Puppy in Show


Group Three


Group Fours


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